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Just in Case

As a recently retired school principal, these thoughts came to mind while listening to people opine on how our schools should operate with the current pandemic that is affecting many nations right now.

We do fire and tornado drills, not because we expect fires and tornados to strike our school. We want children to be prepared, and have a sense of safety, essential for learning. We do intruder drills, not because we expect intruders, but we want students to know what to do…just in case.

As a principal, I sometimes walked the school halls trying to mentally rehearse my actions if there were an intruder…just in case. After hours, I regularly tested my phone’s PA all-call function while monitoring our campus cameras…just in case. I sometimes walked the campus to rehearse our evacuation routes and be sure there were no obstacles…just in case. All staff, including bus drivers, custodians, maintenance, and cafeteria workers, completed emergency training…just in case. In cooperation with the Alma Police Department, our district made a huge investment to have a school resource officer on every campus…just in case.

Coronavirus requires these same levels of preparation and I’m pleased to say my school of the last nineteen years has made great efforts to prepare. Sadly, the very act of preparing is seen by some through a political lens. Our schools are preparing based on the best info they can get. Schools prepare with no helpful input from Betsy DeVos (National Sec. of Education) since she doesn’t know schools. Schools lack the necessary quick turn-around testing, and some don’t have disinfecting equipment. Fortunately, our schools have disinfecting equipment. I’m sure they’ll acquire faster testing when it becomes available.

Coronavirus doesn’t seem like a “just in case” problem. It’s a “probably and when” problem,” but true to tradition in America, political leaders and self-proclaimed “experts” stand at a distance to make decisions for our schools. Educators are strong and committed. What they need are lots of resources (money, supplies, tools, personnel) and real health experts’ advice.

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