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Alma Intermediate School Weekly Memo Oct. 28, 2019

Click link for the full memo: Alma Intermediate Calendar Oct. 28, 2019 

Calendar 102819 parents-1

High School Reunion and One Regret

EHS Class of 1974 1019

I enjoyed everything about our most recent high school reunion. Visiting with old friends and catching up was fun. As I walked around our rather large class, some of whom are pictured above, I realized I have one regret.

When I was in school, I tended not to venture outside my safety zone. Our class included about four-hundred students. I had a circle of friends, usually sharing common interests in band or choir. While this is perfectly natural, I now realize some of what I missed by not approaching more of my peers and finding common ground while we were in high school.

Thanks to social media, I’m now getting acquainted with some of those peers. They’ve led rich and interesting lives and provide a unique perspective that enriches my own. I’m thankful for time to learn of their past and how they’ve traveled life to this point.

Four Agreements EHS

EHS Reunion Memorial Sharon Fant

Sharon Fant sharing with the class

One of the most meaningful times of our 45th Reunion was the memorial held Saturday morning at the South Arkansas Arboretum. Rusty Meadows challenged us to remain open to the varieties of grief we feel from the losses we all experience in life. Raymond Higgins shared thoughts about the significance of each life represented by our classmates and a scripture reading. Sharon Fant shared the “Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz and other thoughts about the Class of ’74.


Memorial to classmates who have died.

Beth Waldrup, minister at First Methodist Church in Camden, shared the names of classmates who have died over the years as we added their names to a display.

Don Parks led the group in singing Amazing Grace and the El Dorado High School Alma Mater.

I’m looking forward to watching my classmates’ continued progress and hope we can share common paths from time to time. Hopefully, we can update each other on our journeys when we meet again on October 11, 2024.

If any of my classmates would like to follow Hiker-dog and me on the trails, join us at OzarkMountainHiker.com.

Alma Intermediate Weekly Memo Oct. 21, 2019

Open this week’s memo and calendar:  Calendar 102119 for parents

Calendar 102119 for parents-1

Cliches of Teaching by Elsie Warnock


Cliches of Teaching by Elsie Warnock

While visiting with my mother the other day, I thought of this little book she wrote for me when I started my internship. It was typed on an electric typewriter and put together by hand. She can no longer see the text, but the book is a treasure to me. Below is an excerpt that influenced my thinking about education and the importance of reading.  

CLICHE #4: Every Teacher is a Teacher of Reading. 

Reading is not just a list of lessons for grades one through three. Reading is a skill and skills must be practiced forever. The teacher who teaches his subject by teaching the vocabulary of that field, by teaching how to use textbooks or other tools…is a teacher of reading. And that teacher can be in English, history, science, math, shop, speech…..or band.  Excerpt by Elsie Warnock, from the first, and only edition of Cliches of Teaching

Follow this link to open next week’s calendar and a few photos:  Copy of Calendar 101419

Copy of Calendar 101419-1

Copy of Calendar 101419-2